Tech Blog

Web development tips, tricks and tutorials for web developers of all levels.

11 to 14 of 14 results

Javascript cookie not working on another page

When you set a cookie you should specify an expire time and a path. If you don’t specify a path the cookie is accessible only by the current page. Continue reading

Remove Gutenberg CSS Library from WordPress

If you’re not using the Gutenberg editor (introduced in WordPress version 5), it is a good idea to remove the Gutenberg CSS which is automatically loaded. Continue reading

WP Synchro SSL error fix

When you create your first import installation in WP Synchro on your local site, it defaults to verifying the SSL certificate on your local setup. Continue reading

Owl Carousel CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) fix

In this article, we will look at CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) and how sliders/carousels such as Owl Carousel negatively impact CLS scores and provide a fix. Continue reading

11 to 14 of 14 results