
Firstly, we'd like to say that if you can't see exactly what you are looking for right away on this page, please get in touch. Bordermedia has a network of media professionals both in SE Asia and abroad with an extensive range of media-related skills. Whether you're looking for some advice on a new website, full design, development and deployment of a database web application, web hosting, sound-recording facilities or some help producing a set of podcasts, we'll help you out.

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Web Design & Development

With many years experience working as web designers & web developers in the UK, Australia, Thailand and Myanmar/Burma, Bordermedia can offer a highly professional approach with the planning & implementation of both small and large scale websites and web applications.

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Business Applications

We have extensive experience with building web intranets and extranets to allow organisations to improve communication, collaboration, and efficiency, while also maintaining security and privacy. We can provide systems that allow organisations to manage large data sets in a secure and controlled environment, while also being very user-friendly.

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IT & Security Consultancy

With skills in web development, network integration, project management & commercial account management, Bordermedia can work with you on a consultancy basis to advise, plan and cost your IT projects. Whether developing a website, installing or securing a new network, get in touch and we'll see what we can do.

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Photography & Multi-Media

Bordermedia can offer advice and provide services in many media-related areas. From photography, podcasting, video production, audio editing and more. If we can't do the job ourselves, we'll know someone who can, so don't be afraid to get in touch!

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Sound Recording & Music

With a new recording studio in Mae Sot, Bordermedia is beginning a new project to record musicians along the Thailand Burma border. Watch this space as we hope to publish some examples on the website in the near future.

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Database Services

Bordermedia can provide many database management and services such as backup and recovery procedures, migrations, maintenance, performance analysis and enhancements and security protocols.